Ellish Beachwear

Dreamed about since 2016, finally came true in 2023. Launching June 2024.

Affordable luxury swim and beachwear designed in Belgium, made in Spain. 

Created to love your body more.

Hi gorgeous!

My name is Sharon Ellis Grobben, a curvy and confident model from Belgium. Being younger I was bodyshamed quite often. But once I accepted my curves and started loving my body as it is, I felt so much better! Through my social media I promote body positivity. I think there is still a big need for this. So many people don't feel good in their body. Hey, let's change this together! 


I always thought life is better in a bikini. I love swimwear that has it all: beautiful, comfortable and also (a bit) sexy and fierce. I always had problems finding the right bikinis for my curves. Often the combination of top and bottom didn’t match my expectations, or their sizes didn’t match, I needed a different size for top and bottom, but bikinis usually come by set, so here was a big problem…

So I finally decided to create my own swimwear! 

My second name is Ellis, named after my grandma Alice, who I love very much and who supports me in all I do.She ’s been a fashionista all of her life. As a dressmaker shelearned me how to use a sewing machine and encouraged me to create clothes.So, in honour of her, Ellish Beachwear was born. 

Together with my mom, who has been a curvy model herself and who has also been into fashion for nearly all of her life, we design and create Ellish Beachwear with a lot of (body)love. We choose high-quality fabrics that are produced in Spain by a company that values sustainability, takes care of the environment and social commitment (like no children’s labor, fair payment for the employees, no discrimination, …). Our collection is produced in Spain with the best care.

Ellish Beachwear is for all gorgeous women out there who love their body as much as I do. Or want to start loving it more.

Don’t hide yourself. Enjoy life, you are beautiful the way you are and you deserve to shine!


Sharon x